Wednesday, January 28, 2009

i'm going pro

Today was an awesome day! I spent all of the morning and afternoon with Steve, mostly playing basketball. That hoop was such a good idea. Then as soon as Scott and Duvy got here we started playing two-on-two games. So much fun! It's kind of bittersweet though, we made it a great day because it was Steve's last. I'm really going to miss his company. I know he's not going away anywhere, we're just not going to be job hunters anymore. Or brunch dates. Or "Lost" buddies. Or basketball champs. Every morning, I wake up, and there's Steve. It's going to be sad not having someone to hang around with and just kick it all day. It was really comforting having him here.

Anyways, then after dinner Steve, Duvy, and myself left for a bike ride adventure! We rode everywhere- Somerville, Cambridge, Brighton, Allston, Back Bay (Prudential Mall, Newbury St., Marlborough St., The Commons, Comm Ave.), Fenway. We were gone for over three hours. And I still can't feel my toes! Riding was horrifically cold but it felt soo good to have blood pumping through my veins and wind blowing in my face; surrounded by a real sense of adventure. My life had a little more meaning today.

We also made that stop that I had been dreadding. It's comforting to know the worst is over. This is the end of a chapter in my life, and to be quite honest.. I'm looking forward to starting a new one. This is a fresh start, a new begining- I'm going to make the best of it.

More snow tonight.. I'm actually kind of siked on it. I'm going to stay snowed in and bake cookies, watch movies, and drink tea all day tomorrow. I'll probably stay curled up on the couch with my fleeece blanket and Gatsby. I'm glad I got my riding in today though, I probably won't be able to again for a while if we actually get as much snow as they say we're going to. That, along with how miserable it makes commuting anywhere, is why I hate the snow and a major reason why the next place I reside will not get any colder than 60! ..I still can't feel my toes.

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